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I first started working with angel cards several years ago but find myself working definitely on a intuitive level. I tend to pick up emotions in peoples lives, what's going on within, the way they feel about themselves. I work with spirit undertaking public demonstrations for about 4 years now and love the enhance and the vibration I work with. It gives me joy when communicators pass messages onto loved ones.

  • Medium
  • Clairvoyance
  • Tarot
  • IM Readings

Questions and Answers

What spiritual skills do you have?


What languages do you speak?


What can I expect from my reading with you?

I work mediumistic, work with those that have passed before us, at times they give messages or guidance to what's going in within your lives. Also I work very closely with my guides who at times give their guidance. I can sense colour within the aura and I use angel cards as a tool in an intuitive way and sometimes use tarot cards but also use them on an intuitive level if I feel guided to do so. I’ve undertaken reiki, spiritual and trance healing. However, whichever reading you have whether mediumistic or psychic, I believe whatever is said; you have free will and ultimately make your own choices to make your own decisions. "You’re the master of your own Lives; no one else can live your life for you" I also believe we are not meant to know all the answers, we live this life time to gain experiences and to grow from them.

Describe your journey into the psychic world

My Nan when I was very young use to talk to me about mystical things and attempted to teach me to read a pack plain deck of cards and tea leaves. I was too young to take it in. So my first input was when I was very young, she may be seen something in me others didn't. I seen my granddad when I was younger when he had already passed over. I started my journey some years back in a basic awareness class, then couple years later advanced classes, progressive mediumship groups. I’ve undertaken training in working with colours. I never stop learning.

What prompted you to start giving readings?

I love working with spirit and working with people that need that uplifted and peace in their hearts that no matter what they going through there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I’m a people person and everyone as a purpose it’s just uncovering it and mine is working with spirit.

What are your experience and qualifications?

I have a qualification in reiki, spiritual healing, in mediumship and public speaking. I’ve undertaken public demonstrations and ones to ones both spiritual and psychic using angel cards, and working looking into the auric field.

What is your most memorable psychic experience?

My memorable psychic experience is when as a teenager I was upset. I seen my grandad what I believed as a dream state at bottom of bed and told me things would get better. The same day my uncle seen him.

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