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Anna Frances

I’m a trained ThetaHealer, and I offer oracle Card reading, channelling the 7th plane using ThetaHealing meditation and also messages from Angels, Guides and Ascended Masters. Whether it’s love, career or life journey, I’ll share what comes up for you from the 7th plane.

  • Clairvoyance
  • Healing
  • Love Tarot
  • Medium
  • Spirit Coaches
  • IM Readings

Questions and Answers

What spiritual skills do you have?

Clairvoyance, healing, medium, spiritual coach and oracle cards.

What languages do you speak?


What can I expect from my reading with you?

From a reading with myself you can expect accurate readings from the 7th plane using Thetahealing technique, channelling source energy, your angels and guides, ancestors and ascended masters to share what comes up for you in your oracle card reading.

Describe your journey into the psychic world

I first knew I was a psychic from a young age when I picked up a lot of intuitive information from the people around me. Later in my 20s I decided to train as a Thetahealer, where I was taught how to use source energy in the 7th plane to do future readings for others. I am now currently a practicing Thetahealer, and offer Oracle card readings.

What prompted you to start giving readings?

I've seen the benefit first hand having future readings myself, that has assisted me on my spiritual path. With the help of divine guidance, I believe readings can give clarity, hope and focus to help people move forwards.

What are your experience and qualifications?

I have 6 qualifications in Thetahealing, including specialisms in manifesting abundance, growing your business and attracting your soul mate and soul family. Qualifications as follows: Thetahealing, basic DNA, Thetahealing advanced DNA, dig deeper, soul mates and soul family, game of life, manifesting and abundance.

What is your most memorable psychic experience?

When I first started doing oracle card readings using the Thetahealing meditation technique, I'll never forget the huge amount of love and support that I felt from the angels, guides and ascended masters who came forward assist me. It was particularly useful to give me hope, at a difficult time in my life when my Dad had recently passed away. With the reading, I was able to see a way forward from this difficult time. This memory has stayed with me for life. I'll always be grateful for finding oracle card reading for that very reason.

How do you interpret the tarot cards to focus on love?

Using oracle cards, I ask source energy to assist me doing a love reading in particular. Maybe its twin flame, maybe its soul mates, maybe its a past relationship, maybe its someone they'll meet in the future. Maybe It's their relationship with themselves and others.

How do the spirits show themselves to you?

As appropriate, I will channel or share any messages from ancestors, ascended masters, angels and guides who come forwards whilst I'm in the 7th plane meditation.

How do your visions manifest themselves?

I use the 7th plane meditation technique using Thetahealing to tap into divine guidance to share with the client, as appropriate.

How does spiritual healing flow through you?

I use the 7th plane healing energy to send healing to others as appropriate, using Thetahealing. I wouldn't necessarily think it was applicable in an oracle card reading, but in a healing 1:1, this is how I work in that setting.

What is the importance of spirituality in your life and how do you convey it in your readings?

As appropriate, I am able to share messages from source energy, ancestors, angels, guides, and ascended masters to assist the client on their spiritual journey. Spirituality to me is about tapping into the infinite love within you, and recognising that you are amazing.

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