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I have a few years of tarot reading experience, so far with accurate results. As a clairaudient, I am able to dig a bit deeper into each and every reading, really unearthing the root of the issue and suggesting a good course of action. Being an empath helps me connect to my clients, empathise with them, put myself in their shoes and feel their emotions and needs, which in turn makes my readings all the more personal. I am currently exploring the area of astrology and zodiac signs, charts, and correspondences, therefore I am able to work with and interpret birth charts, which can sometimes be very useful in tarot readings about love and life paths. I tap into ancestral and deity work, as well as some shadow work, which is the sub/unconscious part of us, our ego, and inner aspects of ourselves we do not always acknowledge or admit, but which need to be worked on regardless. I would like to think of myself as an easily approachable individual, someone you are comfortable to talk to and share with.

  • Astrology
  • Love Tarot
  • Runes
  • Tarot
  • IM Readings

Questions and Answers

What spiritual skills do you have?

Love tarot, tarot, runes and astrology.

What languages do you speak?

English and Bulgarian.

What can I expect from my reading with you?

I aim to answer all questions regarding your situation/query in as much detail as possible, offering different solutions to said situation or simply giving advice as to what I believe to be the best course of action. I will be able to advise you on love interests, dating, possible partners, and resolving current issues you may be facing in your relationships. If you are uncertain about a decision you need to make, I will be able to give advice in accordance with the cards.

Describe your journey into the psychic world

I started practicing witchcraft at first, which led me to the world of tarot. The more readings I give, the more in tune I am with my intuition and the better my readings get. So far, tarot has come somewhat naturally to me, every time I am uncertain or need advice I go to my cards and listen to what they have to say. I work with the lady Morrigan, who is the Celtic goddess of divination and psychic work, which has greatly helped my interpretation. I do not get a response 100% of the time, sometimes certain situations and questions are better left unanswered.

What prompted you to start giving readings?

Tarot has always fascinated me, ever since I was little and even more so after I started my witchcraft practice. I have always been able to tell when something is about to happen, or how someone feels, so I became known as the person everyone went to when they needed advice and when my advice was taken, it always turned out to be beneficial and result in the best possible outcome. Due to this, I decided tarot would be the natural next step so I can delve deeper into people's problems and help in whatever way I can. It is a big plus that it is not only helpful, but very fun too.

What are your experience and qualifications?

5 years tarot reading experience; 2 years pendulum reading experience

What is your most memorable psychic experience?

There are two readings that have stuck with me ever since. The first was foretelling of a big struggle, emotional pain, and heartbreak when I did a reading for myself for a person, whom I had feelings for. I was convinced the cards were wrong and did not follow their advice. A few months later I was faced with the biggest heartbreak I've yet experienced and everything I had foreseen came to be true. The second reading was for a friend, she wanted a general life reading and everything was going great, very positive and lucky cards. Her questions then revolved around a family member who had recently passed away. Due to my clairaudient skills, I was able to tell her things she had not informed me about, regarding the recently deceased family member, that all turned out to be true. It was the first time I had managed to do that, seeing as her and I have a strong connection as friends, and I was able to channel that.

How do you use the tarot cards as a spiritual tool?

I charge the cards with my intent, relax, meditate for a little while, after which I ask a question and either do a spread or I shuffle until a card falls out, which is a sign that this card was meant for the answer. The technique depends on the type of reading.

How do you interpret the tarot cards to focus on love?

The biggest thing is to look for the suit of cups, as it revolves around feelings. Even if there are no cups present, every card can be interpreted not individually but in accordance with the cards around it, so a story is made. As an empath, my ability to pick up on feelings and interpret them is heightened, I get a "message" telling me how these cards relate to the love question.

How can the runes define our past, present and future?

Each rune has its own meaning and, just like tarot, they can resemble a story, or they can show individual aspects that need attention. Casting runes is not fortune telling, when you cast and read them, they are not just random symbols, but rather mirroring things from our subconscious that e need to focus on. They can be used to look into the past and see what should be learned from it, but they do not show a fixed future, as the future can always change depending on the person, so if an answer is not great, it can always be changed.

What makes you typical of your star sign?

I am probably one of the most stereotypical Pisces there is. Pisces is the most emotional sign of the zodiac and I am an extremely sensitive and emotional person, hence my empathic abilities. Pisces are creative and artistic- I paint, draw, sing, and always create something new. My star sign is famous for being a daydreamer and I am possibly the biggest daydreamer I know, I live in the clouds, which can be both good and bad. Quite a lot of my traits are typical for my star sign, but I also share quite a few of the traits of my rising and moon signs, which are Aries and Leo respectively.

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