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Tristy Pixie

I used tarot cards, a pendulum and rods. I've mainly given love readings and general outlook readings.

  • Angel Cards
  • Clairvoyance
  • Love Tarot
  • Tarot
  • IM Readings

Questions and Answers

What spiritual skills do you have?

Angel cards, clairvoyance, tarot and love tarot.

What languages do you speak?


What can I expect from my reading with you?

You can expect an honest reading, straight to the point and clear. No sugar coating.

Describe your journey into the psychic world

I first became aware of my psychic abilities since I was a child. I've been developing these abilities ever since.

What prompted you to start giving readings?

Inspired by my mum, as she's also a tarot reader.

What are your experience and qualifications?

I have worked on Psychic TV.

What is your most memorable psychic experience?

I helped a woman in a struggling relationship, she was a regular client that rated me a 5 star reader.

How do you use the tarot cards as a spiritual tool?

I use the tarot cards as my main tool for readings.

How do you interpret the tarot cards to focus on love?

Depending on the question asked. I've always read the cups as the emotional and love tarot. I have a love tarot deck also.

How do your visions manifest themselves?

In meditation.

Why are angel cards special to you?

Angel cards are special to me as they display messages from spirit guides and angels, like in numerology.

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